Company Overview

Precision Circuit Technologies is now a member of NextFlex…

A consortium of American electronics companies, academic institutions, non-profits, state, local and federal government partners with the shared goal of advancing U.S. manufacturing of printed flexible electronics

LCP Medical Technologies, LLC is a privately held MN Corporation with operating unit Precision Circuit Technologies established to serve the broad electronics industry with leading printed circuit fabrication and microelectronics assembly technology leveraging the benefits of Liquid Crystal Polymer dielectric and related materials.

The Company is establishing a manufacturing operation in the Maple Grove, MN area.

These operations are projected to be launched Q4 2023 within an Advanced Technology Development Center focused on high-performance, best-in-class Domestic printed circuit fabrication, and Global leadership of Liquid Crystal Polymer substrates, printed circuits, and micro-electronic assemblies.

The Operations are focused on significant engagement with customers to design products that take best advantage of the technologies, with quick turn low to medium volume production capabilities to enable rapid deployment, test, and validation of high-performance electrical interconnects and systems.